Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Trip From Hell (part 3) Amsterdam > Helsinki

So at the gate for the flight to Amsterdam I spotted another person transporting an animal.. this time a dog.. the dog was out of the kennel.. i thought about letting Tobie out, but decided he might be too scared. Went and sat next to this little old lady by a window and we talked about animals and travel and so forth.. Tobie had calmed down and was behaving pretty well.

They called for us to board.. and.. well again I got nervous, but I knew if I petted him that he would be OK.

So boarded the plane..went to the seat.. and again... it would not fit under the seat! So I asked the steward what I could do, and he suggested the overhead storage (he was kidding)... well. luckily there were only 2 people in the row of 3 so I got an extra seat to myself. Tobie started on the floor and did not make a sound. Actually thought he was either being really good.. or dead.. so I checked... not dead.

The flight took off.. and he was perfect... put him in the window seat next to me and again, he was perfect. I figure he had either given up, or stared to get used to being in the carrier..

So the flight to Helsinki was just fine... got to the airport..


set his little kit up in the bathroom to see if he could drink or pee or someting.. but did not.. and the bus was leaving shortly so did not spend much time there..So went outside to wait for the bus....

The bus ride was long.. 2 hours.. I really became concerned about him not pooping/peeing or eating in over 20 hours... just wanted to get home so he could do all of those. So anyway the bus ride he was perfect.. no whingingg, crying.. anything.. just perfect.

Got home.. let him out... he was quite nervous at first.. slunk around sniffing everything..... set out his litterbox, water and kitty food.. and some really high fat cat food that I bought in CR.. I didn't know if he would eat much so i figured if he does eat something, I'd like it to be high calorie to make the most of it.

He saw the water.. and drank and drank and drank and drank.. .then ate and ate and ate and then ate the special cat food.... then he pooped and pee'd.. twice.

It did not take him much time to get adjusted... within a few hours of being here, he was completely normal and seemed right at home. He is still adjusting to the new environment.. but i did pack his kitty bed with an old bedsheet from home so he can go there and have familiar smells..

So, while the 1st half of the travels were hell... the 2nd half was just great!

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