Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting Rid of Stuff

So today I took care of boxing up the rest of my things.... and getting rid of my furniture. I had a couch, bed, table and TV I needed to get rid of. I contact the landfill to inquire about the cost to dispose of the items... The lady I spoke too was really nice and suggested I try to donate some of the items I had to a flood charity.. I called the flood charity and they did not have room.. They suggested I call St. Vincent De Paul to see about donating the items... So I called SVDP and well.. they did not want the stuff... So I ended up taking it to the landfill....

It is quite nice when you have to move stuff that you really don't care about. For example... my coffee table which is somewhat crappy, but very heavy.. is really too much for one person to move on their own. My solution, drag it.

I dragged it out my apartment, down 3 flights of cement steps and into the truck. The whole left side of the table is now quite sanded :) and my love seat.. well.. it has these floppy cushins that always flop out when you try to move it.. normally when you approach a doorway or some other small opening... so.. the solution? Cut the cushins off....

So I'm in the hallway with this big butcher knife cutting off the cushins.... Drug that thing down the steps and into the truck... The bed.. well.. Just drug that out too....So loaded up everything and put it in my friends truck and drove it down to the dump in Marion Iowa (nearly loosing my bed twice on the drive).

So if you have not been to the dump before, its quite an experience. Things are labeled, but its not very intuitive. So I drive in, pass the pile of laundry machines... tires.... etc.. but nothing that is "other stuff"... So I keep driving... and driving.. and see a sign that says "Landfill"... well.. thats were I am taking the stuff so I figure this must be right.... but... somehow I'm wondering if its not.... So i'm driving down this big dirt hill.... on both sides of me is where they dump stuff then burry it... there's heavy machines "stirring" the trash... I finally come across some people and ask if I am going the right way (pointing to a rather large dirt hill which is where the road goes) they say yes.. and I ask if there is anyone at the top of the hill... they say yes and I proceed...

And the whole time I am wondering how someone in a car would make it up this hill... well.. OK so I get to the top and its just heavy machinery dumping and mixing and covering trash... this is not the right place.... So I go back down the hill.. back to the beginning of the dump and call my friend for help... he tells me where to go.. and .. so I dump the trash.

Took the TV to best buy to be recycled which gave me some time to look at computers as I still need to get one before I move....

Later my friend Sara and her boyfriend came over later to help move stuff to their house. They are doing me a huge favor by letting me store some things at their place.

On my way home from Sara's I called my friend Brad to see what he was up to. We decided to go eat and drink at Mulligans bar.. which sounded good at the time, but I think I knew I should not go out drinking this close to the move.. so much to do.. but.. well.. we went.. and had a good time :) but I regretted it the next morning when I woke up all hungover and still stressed about the move and getting things done..... uhg....

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