Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Trip From Hell (part 1) Cedar Rapids > Minneapolis

After I left my friend Sara at the airport... I went back inside.. went pee... talked to Tobie (my cat) and told him he has a long journey ahead of him but it won't be that bad and he will be in a new home.

So we walk to security. I have my huge backpack with computer, litterbox, litter, catfood, waterbowl, computer, tons of cash, so I lay everything out to run through the scanner... Since kitty + xray machine = bad, I have to carry him through security. He loved that.... but anyway made it through security and went upstairs to wait.

Had about 1 hour til the flight boarded so we sat near a window so kitty could look outside. Security kept hanging around me so it was weird to be watched all the time. I don't know if it was because of the cat or something else....

I had been worried about this flight in particular b/c the plane fromm CR to Minneapolis is quite small and I didnt think the cat bag would fit under the seat... I really hope it will otherwise this is going to suck.

So.. finally its boarding time... we get on the plane.. so far kitty has not made a peep (which is encouraging)... I am really quite scared of how he will react.. he hates being in a cage and for 20 hours, I don't know how he will handle it, or even if it is a good decision to bring him.

My friend Brad has a sister in Minneapolis who works for the airline... I called him the night before to ask if Tobey completely freaks out.. if I could give him to his sister at the airport and then he could drive from CR to MN to pick him up... He said this is fine and to call his sister if I need this.

That was really nice and made me feel a little better than if things went totally south, I could at least let Tobey stay.

So this is a 45 minute flight. I figure it will be a good test to see how he behaves. When we boarded the plane his carrier actually fit under the seat! I was so happy b/c this is the flight I was concerned about. If he fits here, there should be no problem on the other flights. And well.. he was quiet for about the first 20 minutes. Then after that I would hear "Meow"...."merrrrrrOOOW"..... "MMMMEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWW!" and lots of rolling around and I could hear him panting..... All in all, he was not horrible.. but again this was only a 45 minute flight.. how would this work when we are in the air for 7 hours?

We landed and I called Brad and Sara and explained what was going on and that I needed advice wether to continue to Tobie or not.. Sara suggested I just do it.. Brad said that if I needed to, I could call his sister and she could pick him up.

I really did not know what to do. On one hand I did not want to leave my cat, on the other, I did not want to put him through hell and well.. maybe die or something on the plane.. or be worse than a screaming baby.....

So while I thoguht about it we hunted out a family restroom... locked ourselves in there and i put out his water and litter box and let him walk around for a bit... he didnt drink or pee but he did walk around which is good. Paranoid security would find it suspicious a single person walked into a family bathroom, we did not stay there long.... walked around somme more and found another bathroom.. its not actually a family bathroom, its for "special needs" so its for handicapped too... wanted to go into to use it but a lady was cleaning near it and looked like she was going to clean it.... I asked if I could use this bathroom and she said - "Why don't you use that one" (pointing to the regular bathroom).. I said and pointed "My cat has to pee"... so she let me in :)

We hung out there for 10 pee... no poop... so put him back in his carrier and went to the gate to prepare to board...........

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